Home > A message from Chris Thomas, National Board Chair

A message from Chris Thomas, National Board Chair



As we begin our 5th day of the Read to a Child Friends and Family ‘Give Me $5’ fundraising campaign, I’d like to take a moment to put emphasis on the meaning of ‘friends and family’.

When I was asked to become Chairman of Read to a Child in 2013, I decided to do so as a result of my passion to address and tackle the causes of children’s illiteracy in America and Read to a Child’s unique approach to doing just that.

Since that time, I’ve been astonished by the outpouring of support, dedication and incredible efforts of you – our friends and family. Friends and family propel you, they rally around you, they support you, and they give you the tools to be a better version of yourself then you otherwise would be.  You have done all these things and more and though your continued personal and financial support I have no doubt we will continue to be successful and achieve great heights with you, our friends and family, by our side.

On behalf of Read to a Child, I’d like to extend a very warm and sincere ‘Thank You’ to our friends and family.  Your efforts are truly appreciated.

Chris Thomas
Read to a Child

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