Read to a Child is excited to announce its first digital fundraising campaign for our Friends and Family called ‘Give Me $5’ and we invite you to join the cause, August 1 – 31, 2014!
83% of 4th graders from low-income families are not proficient in reading.
Volunteer reading mentors give their student partners the time, confidence and tools to reverse the cycle of illiteracy. By fundraising $50,000 in one month, we can provide 3,000 additional reading sessions to children in need!
The Give Me $5 campaign makes it easy for anyone to support the cause with our ‘Give Me $5’ ask – donations in increments of $5 making it most affordable to give and to fundraise.
It’s easy to join the campaign!
– Sign up as a champion to fundraise a goal of $100 in one month online! That’s just 20 friends and family donating $5 each to reach the goal! http://www.firstgiving.com/21980.
– Recruit your friends and family to join us in fundraising. We need all the champions we can find to help us hit our goal!
– Go Live with Give Me $5! Simply change your profile photos and covers to our campaign banners! Download the campaign banners https://readtoachild.org/go-live-with-give-me-5-banners/
Win prizes!
Prizes will be awarded to the top 5 champion fundraisers and the top 3 champions who recruit the most volunteers to join the campaign! For updates on progress and who is in the lead for fundraising, visit our Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/readtoachild.org
Top fundraisers will be announced on Tuesday September 2nd, 2014. * A minimum $100 fundraising goal must be met by your referred champion recruits by end of campaign for qualification. You can email the names of your recruits to Amelie Ansari at: amelie.ansari@readtoachild.org
Donors win too! In appreciation of everyone that makes a donation through the First Giving fundraising site or at the Read to a Child website, will be automatically entered into our prize drawings for books and cool prizes as well! Winners will be announced daily (a total of 25!) on our Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/readtoachild.org
For more information please see our campaign details.
Or to generously ‘Give Us $5’ donation, please click here.
For more information or questions on the Read to a Child Friends & Family ‘Give Me $5’ campaign, please contact: Amelie Ansari at: amelie.ansari@readtoachild.org