Anette Padilla

Anette got involved with Read to a Child through her employer and very quickly fell in love with the program because of what it brought to the students she mentored – and what it meant to her.
Anette always prioritized her commitment to the Read Aloud Mentoring Program, because it’s a valuable break in her work day. Additionally, understanding that she had a mentee that relied on her consistent presence each week helps Anette know that she is making a difference – “… knowing that I had that commitment to her and she had that to me helped me prioritize my commitment to the program – we were both equally excited to see each other every single week.”
Anette loves the weekly reading sessions because they give her a chance to connect with her mentee about more than just books. She found that as they were reading together, they made so many really great connections – learning about her mentee’s family, what they were learning in school and helping to expand their knowledge about topics covered in the books they read. At the beginning – reading short poems and simple picture books, then a year or two into their time together – tackling chapter books!
Each year, Anette chooses to come back to Read to a Child simply because she knows that just an hour of her time makes a huge difference in a child’s life. The relationship between mentor and mentee is not only a benefit to the child, but holds incredible value to the volunteer – Anette can attest to that.